Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Amber's Astrology Class, Level One.

I am a PISCES. The fish. The most magical, creative, and emotional sign in the Zodiac. Go figure.

Now, some of you will read that and say "Who carrrres!" Well. Probably not a lot of people. But I will now teach you some astrology stuff I've learned over the years and you'll go from "Who cares" to "this is interesting stuff that I have read here on Amber's Blog". Or something along those lines...

Now astrology has to do with when you were born and how the planets were aligned during that time. Wherever the sun was at the time of your birth is your main Zodiac sign that you know and love so well.
My sun sign is Pisces.
Some people say this is bullshit, but listen to this:
The moon has an effect on our ocean's tide.
Police staff more cops on nights with a full moon, as there is statistically more crime.
Farmers base when they do their farmer things on the moon as well.

If the moon can effect our planet and our oceans and living crops, then who's to say that there's no way the planets can effect people? Keep an open mind on the subject, do your research on it, and you'll find that there's a lot more to astrology than what you read in the paper as your daily horoscope. I'm not into that stuff, I'm more into the people aspect of it. It's super cool nifty stuff.

SO! Without further ado, I will tell you some more shit!
Every person has their unique combinations of things that makes them who they are. Let me elaborate. Where you WERE in this world, and the TIME you were born, contributes to who you are. This is based on where every planet was located at that time.
So there's a whole bunch of planets, and each one represents a different part of your personality. I'll use Venus as an example. Venus was the goddess of love and feminine beauty. If your venus was in Virgo or Aquarius, you're going to have trouble expressing your emotions about love (as these signs are not apt to connect with their feelings). If you've got your Venus in Pisces (like I do) then look out for someone who is super romantic and is able to connect every little feeling they have into fuckin' poems and shit.
So that's kinda cool, ya?
 So if you've ever wondered why the description of your sun sign didn't really describe you, it might be because you've only looked at one aspect of your personality. BUT, I must say, that if you read more about astrology, you'll soon realize that your sun sign is a fuckin' awesome description of you. FYI.

Now, the Zodiac has 12 different signs.
It starts with Aries and ends with Pisces.
Aries rules the head and hair, and pisces rules the feet. If you're Aries you might go bald sooner than the rest of your family. Or you'll have had concussions or other things to do with your head. If you're pisces you'll either have problems with your feet, or have super pretty feet. Like me, haha. I was pigeon toed for a long time, along with other feet problems.
I'll let you figure out all the signs in between. But basically it goes down, each sign ruling a different part of the body.

There are also ages associated with the signs. Aries is the youngest sign, associated with around 7 years old, (that's why everyone who is an Aries laughs at fart jokes and throws little tantrums) and Pisces is the oldest, associated with people in their wisest and most mellow years (around 80). That's why pisces are lazy. People who believe in reincarnation say that Pisces people are the old souls who've been reborn more than once. Pisces hangs out with people who tend to be older than them, and have a deep understanding of things most people would overlook.

Another big thing you need to know about your sign and about yourself is- what type of sign are you?

If you are Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra you are an AIR sign. Let's describe an air sign, shall we?
OK. :)
A person who is an air sign places a high value on intelligence and their thoughts and decisions. They base their life on whatever is logical and the smart thing to do. They learn to go through life based on what will benefit them, rather than maybe what they feel they would LIKE to do. Gemini and Libra males are booksmart and might not consider a mate if they weren't educated. It wouldn't be smart. Not all ladies who are air signs think this way, but many do. Aquarius has the same process as the other air signs, but gains their knowledge through experience rather than books. They weigh every option, and can get stuck in their heads. They can become depressed easily as they DWELL on shit all the time. There's ALWAYS something on their mind. Your ultimate goal: To be the best and smartest, and grow into the successful person you desire to be. If you're wanting to please an air sign, you compliment them on their wit, laugh at their jokes, playfully debate with them, and make them know they're indeed the best and smartest. 

If you are a Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer you are a WATER sign. 
If you're a water sign you base every decision in quite the opposite of an air sign. You feel too much, and think too little. You will always choose the thing you want to do rather than the thing that is probably a smarter idea. You have a way of understanding your emotions, which is helpful because you have a lot of them. You're deep and mysterious like an ocean. You connect with other people on a deep level, as connection and expressing yourself is important to you. They're into mysterious and magical things. Water signs are the people most in touch with themselves and other people and make for good psychics. They're also way into the ocean and water in general. Sex on the beach was probably a Scorpio's idea (as they rule the genitals and are down with water). Water signs range from being really super artsy and creative, to just appreciating art and music. You're ultimate goal: To feel happy. To feel successful. To feel loved. You want to please a water sign? You shower them with love and attention. Insist they are beautiful, wonderful, talented- and you'll make them happy. And take them to a magic show, they'd like that.

If you are a Taurus, Capricorn, or a Virgo then you are a straight up motha fuckin' EARTH sign.

These cats are down-to-Earth and real. They get you. They base all their decisions on their ultimate goal: To HAVE all the things they ever wanted. They want the house. They want the wife. They want the kids and the well paying job. They want that awesome fuckin' car you'd all be jealous of. Maybe it's not a car, but something else of value. They want that certificate on their wall saying they achieved their educational goals. You also want to take care of your body and groom more so than other signs might. And if you're a Virgo? You've got some cool clothes. Basically, their little world is revolved around Earthly things. They mesh well with water and air signs (and of course other Earth signs) because they're able to be reasonable like an air sign, and emotional like a water sign. To please an Earth sign, don't BS them or flake on them, as they wouldn't do that to you. Be down-to-Earth like them. Be a good friend. 

If you are Leo, Sagittarius, or Aries you are a FIRE sign. Sizzzle!!
Fire signs are people of spirit. Of soul. Of ACTION. A fire sign is likely to have to major ADD issues. They can't sit still. They get bored easily. But they sure are Passionate with a capital P. Some fire signs, specifically Sagittarius, love to travel. They've always got crazy fuckin' stories to tell because they've done and seen everything. Every fire sign has cool stories. Or even horror stories like you wont believe. Why? Because a fire sign LIVES life. Ask a fire sign about their life and you'll get an earful. They love talking about themselves. ;) They have no set agenda, they flow with whatever life throws at them. That's why they can be flakes, but don't take it personally, that's just what's up. They have a connection to the Earth and have a passion for life and feeling adrenaline. This is why a lot of fire signs are super into sports, jumping out of airplanes, and other crazy shit that a little water sign like me wouldn't dare to do. Their ultimate goal: A life well lived. How to please a fire sign? DO things with them. Have fun with them. Give them memories and stories to tell. Also, kiss their ass a little. They have egos needing to be stroked.

That's all your BASIC information. My next blog will be specifically about Pisces, as I am one, and I think they're coolest.

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