Monday, May 30, 2011

Pre-Real Vampires

I wanted to tell you about my sketch before it comes out. I also wanted to talk some backstory.

When I first met my friend Chloe, I was really excited to possibly film something with another actor who was on their shit and not just sitting around, like how so many 'actors' are doing. I knew I wanted to do a sketch with her. The question was, what should we film?

My mind sort of worked things out in this way--
I was at home, thinking of characters. I thought of a number of random things and each thought fluttered out of mind. Then I thought "What about some characters everyone already knows? Like a magic well-known person." Then I looked to my random vampire teeth that I have chillin' in my room, from an old Halloween costume. Then I thought: how many comedy sketches are about vampires? I've only seen one. And it was about a guy in a cape. If I did a sketch about vampires, I definitely wouldn't want it to be about stereotypical vampires. I'd want it to be more casual. Like they're just normal people, who do normal people things. Like go to the store, and fall in love. Normal people who also happen to be vampires. Hence the name:
Real Vampires.
Perfect. I decided this would be great for Chloe and I. I started writing it right away. The characters reflecting our real personalities, how we actually talk. Then I did a little research on vampires, and found out that the people who are into vampires, are REALLY into vampires. They even volunteer to have their friends suck blood out of them. Fuckin' weird. "I'm going to add that into my sketch."

So, we decided to film this beezy, and I wrote part of it and a few weeks later we filmed a scene from it. (This picture above is from when we filmed)
There are 3 installments. Episode 1 is all written out, and we are submitting it to SAG so that we can become SAG eligible. I have also written roles that will be played by some friends I've made in LA. The love interest of my character will be played by Nico, a super awesome guy I met on the set of Californication. After playing people digging on each other in a club for like 12 hours, we bonded.
Chloe's love interest will be played by Robert, my friend from the set of Wonder Woman. He's already a superstar, so I wrote his character as- a movie star. That should be really fun.
There will also be smaller parts played by Monique, my friend from my old Starbucks from Newark. She's playing the weirdo who likes getting blood sucked from her. And she's hilarious. Be ready for that.
Then there's roles played by my roommate Marie, and my coworkers Paul, Leah, and maybe Nik from my new store.

As you can see, there's a lot of things I'm excited for. The main thing being a piece of work that is really funny, has characters you care about, and that are intriguing.

This morning I have started writing Episode 2. Then I took a break to write this blog, because, like I said- I'm really excited about it, haha.

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